Thursday, April 21, 2016

5th Graders use Explain Everything and QR Codes to share their study of Animal Biomes in Science.

1st graders use Chatterpix to share their knowledge about the animals who live in their favorite biomes.

5th Graders use SeeSaw to Share their Fluency

Students record themselves for 1 minute reading a Cold Read selection. They listen to themselves and then reflect on their fluency based on their grade-level benchmarks. They can create slides in Explain Everything, Google Slides, or Keynote with their statements and recording. Then, teachers can request to have them shared on SeeSaw so they have that feedback to guide instruction.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Reading - Identifying Key Details | Interactive Images

After reading the main selection, students selected an animal to use in creating their interactive image with ThingLink. They used the camera to create a video of themselves reading the key details, then used to find an image of their animal to upload, and typed their key details into ThingLink. The video they created earlier was then added as well.

Links: Cloeys mammal, Mammal, Maxs reptiles

Tools used: iPad camera,, ThingLink

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Reading; Prefix | Google Docs & Voice Recording

Students picked one im- or in- word from a previous lesson. Using a teacher provided template in Google Docs, students built their word, wrote a sentence for the word, created an image using the Draw feature, and then recorded themselves using Vocaroo. Students then added the link to their recording into the Document.

Link: Lesson 14: Prefix im-, in-

Tools used: Google Docs, Google Draw, Vocaroo

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reading Fluency Practice | Google Docs & Voice Recording

After listening to an audio clip of a story, students practiced the target skills of intonation and accuracy. Students used Vocaroo to record themselves reading a poem and then pasted the link to this recording into a shared Google Document. Afterwards, they listened to a partner's recording and left feedback. The following focus questions were posted for consideration when listening to give feedback: Did they pause at punctuation? Stress important words? Read at a good rate? Were they accurate?

Link: Copy of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Fluency

Tools used: Google Classroom, Google Docs, Vocaroo

Vocabulary | Google Docs & Voice Recording

Students accessed a Google Document that provided the top three vocabulary words - the "Big Dogs" and a student-friendly definition. Using the sentence frame that the teacher provided in the document, they created a "7-Up" sentence, recorded themselves reading the sentence in Vocaroo, and add the link to their recording to the document.


Link: Copy of Student Example Lesson 15: Vocabulary Sentence Frames

Tools used: Google Classroom, Google Docs, Vocaroo

Monday, February 29, 2016

How to Videos using iMovie

Kindergarten students at Templeton Elementary share their "How to" writing in an iMovie to demonstrate their understanding of brushing teeth. Alexander Family Dentistry donated a class set of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss to one of our Kinder classes. Students wrote step by step how to brush their teeth. Then, one student in each assigned group filmed the team explaining the steps. Next, 5th grade buddies came to help turn the videos into iMovies with music and text. Students also wrote "Thank You" letters to Dr. Alexander and his office team for the donations.

Click on the image above to view one of our films!

Tools used: iPad Camera, iMovie, Community Partners, Buddy Classroom

Friday, January 15, 2016

Vocabulary | Google Classroom & Docs

5th grade students at Tualatin Elementary School get extra practice with vocabulary through Google Classroom & Docs. Teachers create a vocabulary document with appropriate images and kid-friendly definitions & post it to Google Classroom. (Teachers prioritize the Tier 2 words and put them at the top.) The students use a copy of this document to write a story that includes the vocabulary. (The vocabulary is posted on the wall in the classroom as well.)

Link to a copy of the document:

Tools used: Google Classroom, Google Docs, iPads